# Relations

Relations are responsible for modeling associations between two Schemas.

# Example

The core meta data for each Relation is described by the example below:

  id: 1,
  order: 0,
  required: false,
  schema_id: '',
  related_schema_id: '',
  as: '',
  reverse_as: ''

# Properties

Each property of a Relation is described below:

# id

The id property is a unique ID for the Relation.

# order

The order property is an integer that describes order of each Relation object inside its parent Schema.

# type

The type property is a string that describes the cardinality of the Relation. See below for more details about the type property.

# schema_id

The schema_id property is a reference to the id property on the Schema to which the Relation is assigned.

The related_schema_id property is a reference to the id property on the Schema referenced by the Relation.

# as

The as property is an alternative label attribute for the Schema referenced by related_schema_id. This is helpful for situations where Schema A contains more than one relation to Schema B. The as property enables Codotype to intelligently name properties and methods that properly contextualize the nature of the Relation.

# reverse_as

The reverse_as property is an alternative label attribute for the Schema to which the Relation belongs, used by the Schema referenced by related_schema_id. This is helpful for situations where Incoming Relations are used to generate code that describes the inverse of this Relation.

# Relation Types

Codotype supports several primitive Relation Types out of the box.

# Has One

TODO - document relation types here

# Belongs To

TODO - document relation types here

# Has Many

TODO - document relation types here

# Incoming Relations

TODO - document relation types here

Last Updated: 9/19/2020, 2:48:17 AM